Father-of-two Jahmeel Spence was slain and the gunman is believed to have fled the scene in great haste in a light-blue Honda Accord, Toronto Police said.
Spence, 27, who had no criminal record, was slain on Sept. 10 last year in a
laneway behind 30 Greenbrae Ct., in Scarborough. He died of multiple gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene.
A bouquet of flowers and a few candles marked now mark the spot where he was killed.
Police are appealing to residents to help locate the car that was in the area around the 9:30 p.m. murder.
“We are hoping someone would remember the Honda that was driving erratically in the area,” said homicide unit Staff-Insp. Mark Saunders. “That person may have made changes or altered the vehicle since the incident.”
The gunman had been hunting someone who looked like Spence when he opened fire, Saunders said.
The area is active with gang violence, officers have said in the past.
“Our investigation shows that Jahmeel was the wrong person murdered,”
Saunders said. “We know members of the community have information that can assist us.”
Jahmeel is the second member of his family to be slain in five years. His brother Ishmael, 15, was killed in 1996 outside the Kennedy subway station.
Jahmeel’s wife, Shivonne Clarke, said it has been difficult raising two young children without a father.
“It has been very frustrating waiting for an arrest and to find out who killed my husband,” Clarke said. “My husband was a quiet person who was loving and had a positive attitude.”
Jahmeel’s mom, who did not want to give her name, said her life has been changed by the loss of two sons.
“It has been hard for the entire family,” she said. “We have a very hard time coping.”
Family member Crystal Douglas said she’s waiting for an arrest and closure.
“My family is still in shock that this can happen,” Douglas said. “Jahmeel loved life and he loved his family.”